25 June, 2011

la Noche de San Juan

Thursday, June 23rd was a special night here in Spain and especially the Comunidad Valenciana. It was La Noche de San Juan, also known as the shortest night of the year. I went to finally visit my habibi Amber in Castellón, a 1 hour train ride north from Valencia!

To me this was very interesting because in the USA we always say June 21st is "the longest day of the year" but here in Spain, its all about the night life.
So this night is super divertida! Everyone gathers down at the beach (some carrying more bags than others) for a picnic and botellon. Once the sun is set, the hogueras (bonfires) commence along with traditions:
1) Write down all the bad things in your life or in the world, and throw them into the fire
2) Jump over the fire for good luck
3) Go into the sea at midnight and jump over 12 waves and make a wish on your 12th wave
4) Ive also heard of wearing a crown made of certain flowers that only bloom this week and then burn it for good luck
5) Correfoc- run with fire!

warming up around the fire after the good luck dip in the mediterranean 
I opted to not jump over the fire for safety reasons! But I did go into the sea! At first, I swore I would only go up to my knees, but I changed my mind at the last moment when the sea was filled with people and the fireworks commenced and before I knew it, waves were crashing over my head!

After the fireworks, we dried off and then... the highlight of my night (ok not really but it was still exciting)

Where there are fires and americans... there will be S'MORES! For those who do not know what a smore is, it is when you roast a marshmellow over the fire, and once it is ooey gooey, you slide it between two graham crackers and a piece or 4 of chocolate. 

So we started the Secret S'more Society at an abandoned fire and made our tummies really really really happy =)
You can never be over-prepared with supplies

sidenote: I was warned to be careful of ladrones (thieves) and that "you will loose your shoes! everyone does" but we came home with everything we brought with us! even though i did not bring my camera or any thing of value besides myself! Successful night if i do say so myself!

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