06 March, 2011

Embutidos en Requena

This past weekend there was a festival de embutidos arteseanos in Requena, Spain: a little town north west of Valencia (famous for wineries)

What does embutidos artesanos mean??? Well, it means artisinal sausage... yes a sausage fest.

For those of you who knew me pre-Spain, I was a vegetarian (and I swear I still am back in the US... but its impossible here, and I might as well seize the day, no) but anyway, yes my vegetarian butt hit up this festival with more ganas of indulging in wine and cheese than sausage.

We hopped on a 2.5 hour train (9.50 euro round trip more or less) and arrived in Requena at around 3pm, a little famished. We went to the ticket counter and for 9 Euros, we received two things:
1) A card of perforations... good for 2 glasses of wine (yay!), 1 item from the Panaderia (bakery), 1 item from the Amas de casa (housewives= what I aspire to be) and 1 bottle of water, some discounts for other things, and lastly... 5 tickets for embutidos.... SAUSAGE.
2) A really cool tray to hold your wine and vast supply of meat products.

So we ran into the tents to begin indulging. Except there were so man tents filled with meat, we really didnt know what to do, or where to go, which butcher to choose. So we first got wine (priorities people!) then randomly chose one booth.. and this is what we got:

So we got all this meat, and Im clearly not a sausage expert, so I didnt really know what I was eating, and it all kind of tasted the same to a non-meat eater like myself. And surprise... the second place we got sausage from had the same selection of sausage surprise.

After two bowls of sausage we were all sausaged out. So we got our baked goods and our housewives pate on bread, some cheese and olives to go and we booked it. In and out in just over an hour.
It would have been nice to stay another hour or two and wonder about the town, but our only train options were 430 pm... or 830... and we didnt want to be stranded until then.

So if you go next year, my suggestion would be to con someone into driving you, start early, or rent a car (and go easy on the wine)

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