22 March, 2011

Colpbol- Promoting Gender Equality in Physical Education!

As I have mentioned before (and maybe not so positively) I am assisting in physical education at my school. But really, I don't give it enough credit! It's not so bad, mainly when the sun is shining and there's no wind or bugs!

The kids learn some English words in physical education like jump, run, stand, catch, serve, throw etc, and I even learn new things too! Like new sports! (Yes, the Spaniard kids do play something other than soccer!)

One sport is called Colpbol. A physical education teacher who wanted girls and boys to be able to play together with equal abilities invented Colpbol here in Valencia the beautiful.

The ball: A ball somewhat like a kickball in that it is great at bouncing, but it is smaller with less grip.

The game is essentially like handball and soccer mixed, except there is no kicking: you play entirely with your hands! You start with a tip off, and after you hit the ball once, you cannot hit it again until someone else does. Also, if the ball is on the ground, you cannot pick it up! You must hit it in a way to scoop it up and get it in the air again or roll it to a teammate. You also cannot use two hands to pass the ball; almost as if your hand is a paddle.

The name of the game is to score goals! Each goal is 1 point, but who's counting? No one seems to mind weather they win or loose! (at least from what I can understand reading only body language)

The game is fun to watch, and I’m sure its fun to play. It is fast moving and its true, girls and boys can play together equally! (more or less)

Here at CEIP San Juan de Ribera, we have attended two tournaments! And although it is usually really cold and rainy on these days (and that really isn’t my thing) I really enjoy going and cheering on my kids! (I normally gets students/parents from other schools looking at me like I’m crazy- yeah, everyone stare at the crazy girl speaking English!)

And there’s free bocadillos and no class!

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