24 October, 2010

What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?

There is ALWAYS something cooking here in our cocina. Whether it be Margaux's tasty tostadas, Addies Avena (oatmeal) or fish, or something random Ive decided to stir up- our stove and cutting knives definitely have their work cut out for them!

And for those who don't know, I not only LOVE food, but I LOVE cooking food! I love looking up recipes and trying new things! I find a lot of joy and comfort and energy in cooking and preparing meals.

Here in our Piso, we had to obviously find something amueblado (furnished)... but we didn't realize until after we moved in, that the kitchen was not very well equipped. We are lacking cazuelas, good knifes, cups, cooking utensils, and.... measuring cups!

Because we're in Spain, all of my new recipes that I want to try, measure in grams and liters. Awesome.  So since we don't have Spanish measuring cups, I spend a lot of time online doing conversions, just to get an idea of what I need. I also spent a lot of time reading jars and containers in our fridge, trying to figure out exactly how many garbanzo beans amount to 175 g, or how what 250 ml of olive oil might look like.

But thank goodness that I taught myself how to cook before I came to Spain! Because from all my recent experience cooking for my parents at home, I can kind of eye ball measurements. But I've also realized, it doesn't really matter. Just throw it in there, it will eventually taste good with some work!

Here are some of my recent makings, made without measuring cups or scales.
forget the name, but its tomatoes, green olives, capers, artichokes, celery, onions and should be pine nuts, but i used sunflower seeds

Arroz con garbanzos y pasas (raisins) so delish!!

For our American dinner for our friends, I made a homemade cole slaw! mmmmm and also some garlic and onion burgers off to the side. Also baked fries, they did not make it to the pic

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